Tuesday, December 7, 2010

What Really Chaps My Ass...

A delicious Double Decker Supreme
You know what really chaps my ass...? When you go to get fourth meal at a drive-thru and they forget your only order.  Your friends are all sitting around enjoying their Crunchwrap Supremes and Cheesy Gordita Crunches and you're left sitting in the corner pissed off because someone at Taco Bell forgot your Double Decker Taco Supreme.  Then one of your friends is nice enough to offer up their extra soft taco and you happily agree to take down the weenie sized soft taco.  And while you're eating it you become angry again because it doesn't taste nearly as good as a Double Decker would.  That my friends, really chaps my ass...

1 comment:

  1. I've seen you pay a cab driver $40 to drive-thru taco bell...twice...that does chap your ass?
