Thursday, December 16, 2010

Best Holiday Movies...

Living in sunny California it sometimes gets hard to get excited for the holiday season given that we don't really have seasons out here.  Its always sunny, and for those of you not lucky enough to live in California you have my sincerest apologies.  For about three weeks a year though, I do wish I was lucky enough to have a break from the sun and maybe even some snow, so I could truly know what it is like to have a "White Christmas".  In order to get pumped up for the holidays, I usually have to rely on spending lots of money on Christmas gifts for the fam and friends, or by turning on my electric fireplace and watching a Christmas flick.  A list of my favorite Christmas movies for you...

  1. Home Alone - Growing up I used to dream every night that I was Kevin McCallister watching movies I'm not supposed to, ruining my brother's (who I never had) room, and fending off Harry and Marv with paint cans and blow torches.  My favorite Christmas movie by far and always brings me back to my childhood.
  2. Christmas Vacation - Nothing like a Griswold family Christmas. 
  3. Christmas Story - Just a classic Christmas movie that runs for 24 hours every year on Christmas Eve, and the only time I ever really want a Red Ryder BB Gun
  4. Elf - Could be Will Farrell's best movie, and I'm the world's largest Stepbrothers fan so this is a biiiig claim for me.
  5. Bad Santa - Billy Bob playing himself.  Nuff' said. 


1 comment:

  1. Fuck me santa, fuck me santa.. Wonderful Life is a classic but still great. GO JETS.
